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In all Quiz Room centers in France

Available from board game stores near you, including Cultura, Fnac and Les Boutiques Ludiques: Cultura, Fnac, Les Boutiques Ludiques. Chiche ou Pois Chiche is also available on Amazon.

They were Chiche (or Pois...)

Arnaud, age 31

The questions are really cool, there's a lot going on, you're playing all the time and it's super addictive.
Well done!

Arnaud, age 31

The questions are really cool, there's a lot going on, you're playing all the time and it's super addictive.
Well done!

Stéphanie, 39 years old

It's been a long time since I've had so much fun with a trivia game!


Finally, a trivia game where everyone has a good laugh! A little trouble between friends...

Mehdi, 20 years old

The team game and the low blows you can play on your opponents make this game really original and fun. Give it a try!

Jennifer, 38 years old

Choosing the right question for your teammate makes trivia much more fun than Trivial Pursuit.

Stéphanie, 39 years old

The questions are varied and modern, and the element of chance makes every game different.

Arnaud, age 31

The questions are really cool, there's a lot going on, you're playing all the time and it's super addictive.
Well done!

age 53

Great game for the whole family! With rich interaction and multi-generational questions, time flies and you learn a lot. Ideal by the fire.

a friendly board game

Here, correct answers aren't enough... Steal points from your opponents, multiply your points and win the game!

From 4 to 12 people, the game is accessible from the age of 14.

contact us!

Any questions about the game?
Questions to suggest for our next edition?
‍Find out
more at @copc_lejeu!

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