our games
1h of fun is good, 1,5h is better!
jingles, lights, voice-overs: it's all there!
a 100% personalized experience
Smash that buzzer from 4 to 18 players
Choose a game
select a category
Le Quiz Original: The quiz à la carte
The Original Quiz is a no-pressure question-and-answer game. 1h or 1h30 to buzz like on a TV show. With rules that change with each of the 3 rounds, and multiple jokers at your disposal, analyze your opponents to destabilize them at the right moment, or even benefit from their correct answers to score points! The game is available in French and English.
You don't need to be a geek to have fun with the varied formats and themes: complete movie lines, recognize a music group, identify a personality in a photo...
Quiz themes
Compose your quiz with at least one of these 6 themes. We recommend you take a mix of all the themes :-) You can choose from 1 to 6 themes. If you're stuck on a theme, talk to your clique.
Thanks to your player profiles, your games are pre-configured according to your choices, with questions adapted to your age and interests. If you want to make any changes, talk to your Quiz Master!
cinema & series
everyday life
top of the class
Quizzes for real fans: Themed quizzes
They were invented for those who want to challenge themselves on specific themes, or those who want to prove their expertise in a particular field. The maestro of French chanson, the geek who swears by the power of the Web or the gourmet for whom gastronomy holds no secrets, and many other surprises...
There are now 4 themed quizzes.
More to come very soon!
FEAR QUIZ (reserved for +16)
Whether you're a thrill-seeker or just an autumn horror movie fan,
You've been asking for it for months (and sometimes under torture) and now you've got it: a frighteningly terrifying quiz is finally available.
magico QUIZ
Contraction of the word game magicobus and the word quiz.
Come and try out this new Halloween-themed game.
Warning: It makes you want to be at Hogwarts...
The WTF2 quiz continues on the path of controlled chaos that made its elder brother such a success.
The key words? Chaos and fun.
Quiz Années 2000
KikOooo! Are you in the mood for a Billy Crawford revival, limited-character texting, peach necklaces and memorable pub jingles?
Quiz wtf
The most What The F*ck game ever invented. We can't even explain it to you, you have to come and try it...
Food Quiz
The quiz that will have you salivating whether you're a Top Chef addict, a gourmet or a butter pasta magician.
select a category
the original blindtest,
more quiz than music!
At Quiz Roomyou'll have a great time with your friends.
For 1 hour of musical fun, come and play a brand new kind of blindtest in a TV set. You don't have to have a strong voice to win: the buzzers are impartial! You know that moment when the music starts up and you've got the answer on the tip of your tongue? You hesitate, you stammer, you stammer, and after you've said it out loud, the song is stolen from you. And that's it, you don't believe in anything anymore. We don't do that!
Blindtest themes
It's up to you to decide whether you want only French or international music, or half and half, with your team! Here are the Blindtest Original themes, divided into bi-decades for more fun.
Don't worry about the periods, trust yourself, you know the music! You may, however, decide to leave out an era that doesn't get your band dancing enough ;)
50's - 60'S
70'S - 80's
90'S - 00'S
2010'S - 2020'S
Take your own quiz!
During 1h to 1h30 (3 games) of play, we invite you to take part in a very special blindtest. Unlike our original blindtest which puts everyone in agreement and reviews all musical styles and bi-decades, the thematic blindtests are much more specialized.
Inour Thematic Blindtests, you're the one who sets the pace. From rap to French chanson to rock, it's 1 hour of musical quiz with the theme that suits you, where the artists follow one another without a hitch. If you know the song, if you can whistle it: it's up to you to buzz! And before you play, we'd advise you to tune your buzzers, as the game builds to a crescendo, but players will have several jokers up their sleeves! Come and challenge yourself on a theme that makes you dance, yodel or run faster!
At Quiz Room ©, anyone who thinks they know everything there is to know about the subject they've chosen will have their work cut out for them, and anyone who likes to play will enjoy setting traps.
Le blindtest 974
A mix of maloya, dancehall, reggae, sega and metropolitan or international sounds. Lambians kréol pou apport' la chalèr dann zot Quiz Room!
The perfect Blindtest for kraz un ti séga!
The rap blindtest
If you shazam 90's Trap sounds like the latest Drill flows, if you can't decide between French and US rap, if you listen to Sofiane Pamart for his feats and Cardi B for her videos, this blindtest is for you!
The French chanson blindtest
Attention Lorie singers in the shower, those who swear by Johnny at the end-as well as the beginning-of the evening. Do you swear by the French touch? Give it your best shot!
The party animal music quiz!
A rain of glitter for this blindtest that smacks of a legendary Saturday night! Get ready to rock out to all the hits that make an anthology party. It's the perfect before-party for a wild night out!
the mole
The meeting of the Maillon Faible and the Loup Garou
quiz, bluff and strategy
La Taupe c’est... la rencontre du Maillon Faible et du Loup Garou.
Oublie ce que tu sais de Quiz Room.
Un jeu de chasse à l’imposteur à huis clos et de course aux points où le temps passe en un éclair. On t'invite à te glisser dans la peau d’un inspecteur ou d’un imposteur. Si tu es La Taupe, tu auras la chance de connaître la bonne réponse à chaque question. Sinon tu devras mener l’enquête.
L’objectif de notre Taupe ? Répondre correctement à un maximum de questions sans se faire démasquer... Useras-tu de stratégie ? Joueras-tu la carte de la discrétion en étant raisonnable ?
Mais surtout, sauras-tu te défendre quand on t’accusera ?
Personne n’est sur le banc de touche et les plus discrets entreront dans la lumière.
Tiens-toi prêt.e, ton cerveau est en ébullition entre observation, mensonge, stratégie et réflexion !
La Taupe est le tout premier jeu d’une nouvelle catégorie totalement extra dans le catalogue Quiz Room : Les Extra Quiz ! Des quiz avec un petit truc en plus !
Children's quiz room kids' themes
Quiz Room Kids is the whole Quiz Room experience redesigned for kids! As with the older kids, it's not all about knowledge. To ensure that everyone has fun, we've created questions that are adapted to the youngest players, with accessible themes and topics that are at the heart of discussions at school and with the family!
animals and the human body
cartoons and films
the whole world of games
sport and athletes
the songs
and plenty of anecdotes
How does it work ?
I book online or on quotation if I am more than 18 people to play
I create my player profile in advance and get ready.
I arrive 10 minutes early and prepare my quiz game with the Quiz Master
I hit the buzzer with my group for 2 or 3 games
I debrief with a drink in hand (optional) and the score sheet
Price list
+30 min of quiz game!
a special event to celebrate?
Our centers offer a wide range of formulas,
for all occasions!
![Teenage girls play in the immersive Quiz Room](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/64c3a235e743d0c2d6d9ea03/64d34bdee8775ad533bc973e_formule_kid.webp)
Children & teens
As a summer camp leader, the choice of activities is crucial. Many games no longer have their place in summer camps...
Come and try Quiz Room with children, teenagers and older children.
![A child thinks with his hands on a quiz stand](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/64c3a235e743d0c2d6d9ea03/64d34bde061164b672d10168_formule_extrascolaire.webp)
If you're looking for a new and different way to stimulate your students' interest in extra-curricular activities,
is the perfect idea! What's more, you can choose an English version!
![Two friends hold up a Joker Master sign](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/64c3a235e743d0c2d6d9ea03/64d34bde432cde9ffa3b62da_formule_famille.webp)
An unusual activity for the whole family! Organizing a cousinade or family reunion is always a fun time...
If we have some great ideas for activities for all ages!
The team building that's sure to get everyone talking
Are you looking for an original team-building activity to unite your team and encourage collaboration?
Quiz Room is the ideal team-building activity to energize a team in a relaxed professional setting, with a touch of conviviality and improvisation. What's more, it's totally customizable (right down to the questions!).