you ask a lot of questions!

And by the way, do we say quiz or quizz?

I promise, this question won't be on the QUIZ! But thanks to Quiz Room, you'll know that Quiz is spelled with just one Z. And you'll also discover why Neighbors' Day was invented or why donuts have a hole!
‍The word "quiz" comes from English, meaning "questionnaire". So write quiz as in the original language. For the plural, as in French, words ending in "z" are invariable. So we write un quiz, des quiz.

What is a quiz?

A quiz is a game of questions and answers. A questionnaire to test your knowledge on a specific subject or simply for general knowledge. At Quiz Room, the quiz is played by several people around 6 desks in a TV-style atmosphere: everyone competes against each other and uses their jokers to win.

How do I make a quiz?

To create a quiz that's fun, professional or entertaining, you'll need to find a theme for the questionnaire, so you don't get mixed up and fail to follow a common thread that will help you write the questions. At Quiz Room, we call on experts in writing fun board games to come up with the funniest questions possible.

Where can I take a quiz?

Quizzes are becoming more and more widespread, and you'll find many quizzes available on the Internet, or in board games. What you'll find at Quiz Room is an immersive, fun, face-to-face quiz. For over an hour, take part with a group of friends, family or colleagues, in a fully immersive setting worthy of the best TV shows. Quiz Room is available throughout France, Belgium and Switzerland, and soon internationally!

How does a quiz works?

The aim of a quiz is to answer a simple questionnaire. Quiz Room offers a new kind of original and fun quiz, where jokers and zany questions will make you love winning and losing! You can play the quiz alone or in a team (up to 3 behind a desk). Quiz Room also lets you personalize your questions for even more fun, while enjoying an immersive quiz perfectly orchestrated with sound and light, that you'll never forget.

How do I create questions for a quiz?

- Define the theme of your quiz
- Define the wording of the questions
- Define the answers proposed
- We take care of the recording by our super comedians
- All you have to do is turn up and enjoy your session.

Submit new questions for the quiz game of your choice!

Submit your question ideas to the Quiz Roomteam and its question-writing committee.
the questions interest us, we'll apply the Quiz Room touch and include them in our question database!
We thank contributors by offering free places when we retain the questions proposed.
It's time for you to shine and show off a lot, the next time you come to play with your team! We can hear you now: "I invented that one!"

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Psst...Are you solo or a twosome?

Quiz Room is a brand new game mode that gives you the chance to play with other participants and make new acquaintances...
